Carpet Cleaners in Knowsley

Carpet Cleaners in KnowsleyMelling Carpet Care, carpet cleaners in Knowsley, specialise in all manner of domestic and commercial cleaning. Most commercial work is for high traffic businesses that need frequent cleaning with a minimum of drying time. Hot water extraction is the most highly recommended method by carpet manufacturers for both domestic and commercial carpet. Low moisture is best for carpet tiles and occasionally for special carpets, we will have to use a dry cleaning method to avoid shrinkage and colour fading. For most carpets, hot water extraction is best. We want to emphasize the extraction process because that and our mixture of cleaning and spot removing solutions is what separates an excellent cleaning job from a disappointing outcome.

Many people delay professional carpet cleaning because they believe a residue is left behind that attracts dirt creating a vicious circle. That can happen. In Knowsley, carpet cleaners who use inferior cleaners and cleaning methods will leave a dirt-attracting residue behind. If a heavy detergent based cleaner is used on the carpet and left to dry then vacuumed to remove the cleaner along with the dirt, gummy dirt attracting residue will be left behind. If vacuuming alone, even with a high-end vacuum cleaner, could remove all dirt from your carpet, you would never need a professional cleaning. But vacuuming alone will not remove the stains, ground in grit and old food particles. So, a professional cleaning is recommended two to four times a year to protect your carpet and keep it looking new.

Our carpet cleaners in Knowsley at Melling Carpet Care use the best method for carpet cleaning. We vacuum thoroughly, which gets the loose dirt. Then we work our cleaning solution with hot water into the carpet. The next step is critical; that’s the extraction. Our powerful extractors gently but thoroughly pull all the water along with the grit and dirt from your carpet fibres leaving nothing behind but sparkling clean, rejuvenated carpet fibres. There’s no soap scum and very little moisture. The carpet will dry thoroughly in a short time. That’s important because a carpet that stays damp for days can attract mould growth.  Contact Melling Carpet Care for a free quote for carpet cleaning. We guarantee your satisfaction or we’ll return your money.